Monthly Archives: November 2015

Let Your Light Shine!

We Finished The Light Tunnel!  AND IT LOOKS AMAZING!

It’s a great feeling isn’t it, finishing a task that has been set before you?  I am talking about a big task.  I am talking about a task that requires many people to work together. A task that might require you to redo one, two, maybe three sections so it will look right and last through the Christmas season.  It is a GREAT feeling!

Our kids did it! And not only did they finish the light tunnel it was ‘plugged in’ tonight!!

Our morning was not so ‘work eventful’ it was still pouring and so we played what I call ‘speed gaming’.  Six tables with six people at each table… every 20-30 minutes you move to the next table and start a new game.

After about 2.5 hours of games you could tell, the fun was over. Then we turned the morning into a leadership and serving one another object lesson. We talked about how do you press through in challenging moments in your life?  Serving others doesn’t always look pretty nor it is comfortable nor is it always with your best friend by your side.  How you respond and make the best of a situation can turn into the biggest blessing not only for the people you are serving, but it can be a blessing for you and those you are working along side.  When you learn to truly serve with a heart of humility, God can trust you with all kinds of people in all kinds of instances. And when God can trust how you will respond and how you will treat others… you can’t believe all He is going to allow you to do! That my friend, is exciting!

After lunch one small team finished the rest of the trees around the lake, the basketball court, the volleyball court and the retaining wall.  The other large team did an amazing job of reorganizing what looked like 100 + tubs of lights and extension cords and honestly I don’t know what all was in them, but when they were stacked and ready to go to storage… it was a WALL of boxes!  I know that organization task was a blessing to the workers here at Tejas and saved them many hours of work. That large team, was a LARGE blessing!

We closed our final devotional with some final questions.  Have you received the gift of salvation?

If no … why not


? What is keeping you from making that decision?

If yes… are you living a life that would make others want to know Christ?

What can I do to be a better example of a life living for Christ?

Please pray for our students that they would desire a relationship with Christ.  Pray for those that have not yet received the gift of salvation and pray for those that have, that they will truly desire to live in a way that glorifies God compels others to want to know Christ!

In the morning we are going celebrate all our hard work and have fun with the rock climbing wall and the zip line!  I shall enjoy watching them this year!

We will leave after lunch tomorrow around 1:30. We will have the students begin to call you when we are about 30 minutes out!  Our plan is to arrive at the school between 3:00 – 3:30.

(You should have a few boxes of Christmas lights ready for them to hang … I am sure they would love it!)

Let’s make His name known this Christmas season!

Mrs G


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Rain, rain go away!

Rain, rain go away … come again … much much later … like when we’re at home and don’t have a million lights to hang!

The kids did great today in spite of having to stop, start, stop, start because of the rain.  We are almost finished with the light tunnel.  We got two bridges wrapped and about 50+ trees. We placed the fake white deer herd on the hill. It was still a good day!

It has been great fun for me to get to know this class better. We have some wonderful kids in the 8th grade class here at Summit. Our teacher/leaders are amazing!

Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Dare came and had dinner with us and Mr. Dare gave the evening devotional. He challenged us all with 2 Corinthians 5:17, 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Romans 12: 2 to not conform to the ways of the world but to be transformed. To be able to do that we have to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Continuing from last night, we can be dead in our sins or we can be reconciled and have life in Christ.  After he shared, Mr. Dare prayed for everyone but asked for those that wanted more prayer to stay behind. 12 of our students stayed.  It was a sweet time.

To show the great love of God, Mr. Dare brought a replica of one of the spikes used to nail Jesus to the cross… he had 3 railroad ties that he nailed into a large block of wood while Mr. Chappell read John 3:16. It was pretty powerful!

Please pray for our students as they are writing in their responses to tonight’s devotional.  Pray that they will allow God to touch them and draw them closer to him.

We are supposed to have rain tonight and in the morning. We have team building games in case we’re ‘shut in’ for a while.  We should be able to work in the afternoon.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you.  It’s a privilege to get to spend time with these students and work along side them.


Bless you

Mrs. G

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The Lights of Tejas – 2015

We made our journey to Tejas with no problems.  We had dinner. Everyone enjoyed the game room. We ended the evening with our first devotional in the ‘little white chapel”.

Why does Tejas do a Christmas Outreach?  Matthew 28:19  “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Camp Tejas has found an incredible way to put their faith into action during the Christmas Season.  Thousands of people come on their campgrounds to enjoy the food, games, fellowship, a zip lining and wall climbing in the dark but most of all, the story of God’s great love towards each of us told using lights, lazer lights, smoke machines, and the spoken word.

God’s love toward us compels us to share that Good News with others.

Tonight we talked about the need for a Savior. We’ll be looking at the scriptures in Romans and the truth shared about our sin, and separation from God and the hope we have through Jesus.

Please pray for your student that he or she will allow the Holy Spirit to speak to their heart and where they are right now in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

As we serve so others can see and hear about the greatest Love Story of all times, I pray each one of us will draw closer to our Savior or come away, becoming a first time believer!

Thank you for allowing your student to come with us!  It is going to be a GREAT 3 days ahead of us!

Pray for us to grow as a class, honoring one another as we glorify God through our service.

Please pray for the weather to cooperate!

Until tomorrow!

Mrs. G

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