Impact Trips!

When a group of young people – show up – encounter – impact –

Gloria de Dios!

At the end of the senior trips, I ask the team members to write a paragraph expressing how their hearts have been impacted on the trip!

Enjoy and please continue to pray that we will allow the Holy Spirit to continue the work in our hearts that he began in Costa Rica!


This year’s Impact trip to Costa Rica was a chance to experience the truth of Acts 20:35, “it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.” I am certain our students enjoyed that special blessing that can only be achieved thru sacrifice for others. While I enjoyed knowing the Lord was using our students to bless the children of Flori’s day school I was especially excited about how He was undoubtedly preparing each student for specific future roles. Ephesians 2:10 makes it clear that our students are His workmanship, and that He has given each one specific attributes, characteristics and interests. My experience serving around the world tells me there was a ton of learning happening on different levels that couldn’t be achieved back in the classroom, and that these seniors were going to walk away profoundly impacted and better equipped to find true meaning in their lives. SCA is a college prep school, but we care more about each student leaving excited about who they are in Christ than where they go. Why, because we believe that if they leave confident about their special giftings and certain that the Lord has a plan for their lives “they” will seek out the future experiential and educational opportunities they need to become the men and women the Lord has called them to be. I can’t wait to see what their futures hold.

The Students:

  1. Although I’m very much so used to the comforts of American society, the trip our class took to Costa Rica made me completely throw the love I have for those comforts to the side after being exposed to the beauty of the country’s culture and environment. The connection with nature, appreciation for life, and mutual respect that was abundant in the country had me hooked on Costa Rica as a whole, and seeing and interacting with the locals developed a newfound sense of love for the country. There isn’t a hint of doubt in my mind that I’ll be returning to Costa Rica in the future, as it’s become one of my favorite places of all time to be in. – Ashton
  • Costa Rica was absolutely amazing. I feel like I truly saw God’s glory in full effect. I saw how he truly cared for his creation. I saw how even though the people in Costa Rica were poor, they were happy. I loved talking and laughing with the children. I loved when they came up and hugged me. Everything just felt so…..real. So raw and natural. It was a wonderful feeling. – Lei
  • This trip was an amazing experience and there are no words to describe it. I was nervous at the beginning, I didn’t know what to expect because I have never done anything like this but it has been the best trip I have done in my life (and I travelled a lot). I felt a lot of emotions and I didn’t expect we could be able to create such deep bonding and connections with the kids in only three days. It was tiring, it was very tiring: waking up early and staying the entire day out working with the kids but it was worth it, every second spent with the kids was worth it. Being able to make those kids smiling and giving them the love and affection they need is priceless. I  think those kids are going to stay in our hearts and prayer forever. – Giulia
  • This trip has been a wonderful experience for all of the seniors. It really helped us to realize how thankful we should be for all of the advantages that we have in our country. The kids were so excited to see us the first time we showed up; even though they had no idea who we were. I had no idea what to expect, but all of a sudden we just started playing. All of the little boys wanted to play tag with me. We all started bonding with each other, it was so special. The kids were not afraid to just come up to you and hug you. I could tell that by their smiles, our visit meant more to them than it did to us. This experience was so eye opening, I will never forget the amazing memories we made with everybody. I hope to visit them again soon! –Ava
  • The trip could not be long enough. I want to see how God will guide the children we met and how our involvement will shape them. I want to really tell them about God and not just the few stories of the Bible. There has been a fundamental shift in how I see the world. They live in poor conditions and yet I see their faith flourishing. I only wish I could see how far they will go. – Isabella
  • I really don’t even know where to start with this trip to Costa Rica. It was challenging but extremely rewarding. This trip was a wonderful experience to bond with the rest of our class and meet tons of new people. I feel very thankful for the life that I live and this helped to show me a whole new aspect on how people live their lives in a different country. I also feel thankful that we were given the opportunity to teach about the friendship you have with God to a bunch of very sweet little kids. I was also very amazed on how close we got to the kids as well as the staff at Flori’s daycare center, it was definetly shown how important we were to them as much as they were to us through many tears. I will always think about the work that we did there and I really hope that it made a difference in their. Overall, this was a wonderful experience and it has a very special place in my heart, I really fell in love with those kids.   -Riley
  • We experienced many things in Costa Rica but out of everything that we experienced my favorite moment was when we first pulled up to the daycare. Hearing the kids being excited to see us and the feeling of not knowing what will happen over the next two days that we would be at the daycare. At the end of our time at the daycare I knew that we made an impact on the kids despite the small amount of time we had with them. Their smiles were so touching and it opened our eyes to notice how much we really have. –Caleb

The Leaders

  • My favorite part of the week was helping at the child care center. The center feeds, teaches, loves on, and shepherds so many sweet little souls. It brings peace to know that these children have a place in their community to go. A place that shows the love and hospitality of Jesus. It was SUCH a pleasure and privilege to be a part of such a great team and the amazing things Jesus is doing at the center. Your students served SELFLESSLY! You all are the best!! –Sydney White
  • A week in a beautiful paradise is amazing!  Learning and teaching about friendship, while enjoying it with beloved teachers and students in this paradise is an even greater providence and gift!  This week God blessed us with unity and joy as we served Florys Day Care and formed friendships with the staff and children.  I especially enjoyed games, dancing and playdough time with Isaac, Ariana and Jose. The immediate acceptance and radiant joy of these children were a bright highlight to many including myself!  Yet it’s heartbreaking to know that there are so many like this around the world who are not cherished and celebrated.  Another highlight was watching the seniors connecting with the children and staff so deeply.  Their many tears were evidence of how God was impacting their hearts … it was so beautiful!  Gracias Dios ! !  – Jason Calcote

It was a wonderful 6 days that seemed so very short. God met us there as we met new friends and partners in His Kingdom Work! Thank you for your support through prayer and sending!

Declaring his name ~ forever!

Mrs. g

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Enjoying the Beauty of Costa Rica

Today was our rest day. We got an early start and headed to Puntarenas and boarded the catamaran for a private island adventure. Swimming, kayaking, hiking, chilling in the hammocks, eating and enjoying the banana boat (either riding or watching the kids being thrown off). It was an amazing day!

The weather was beautiful! The water was nice! The atmostphere was so relaxing! The food of course, was excellent! The shaved ice – even better! On the 2 hour ride back to the hotel tonight, we stopped at a small grocery and some of the kids bought the powered milk that they have come to love, a couple of us bought the special sauce that was served on the tamales and Costa Rican cookies.

I’ve asked each person to write a short paragraph so I’m hoping to post those tomorrow or the next day or so. There are so many emotions. Your student might just talk your ear off, or they may need a day or two or longer to finish processing.

These trips are amazing opportunities for our students to go outside of their world and get a glimpse of the lives of others that are serving the Lord in many different capacities. Our guide Johnny who is a young man but an incredible believer. What a wonderful example he has been to our students and serving along side us this week as an interpreter. To Flory who God took her passion to help ‘at risk’ families beyond visiting them and bringing them baskets of food to opening a Day Care School that not only feeds them physically but emotionally and spiritually.

Getting to enjoy the culture of another country is also a wonderful experience that I pray will stay with the students for a long time. They have been amazing and it has been an honor to serve along side of them this past week.

San Jose to Miami Flight AA1600 departing 1:53pm Arriving Miami 5:45pm

Miami to Austin Flight AA780 departing 9:44pm Arriving Austin 11:58pm

I pray you’ve taken note of the flight itinery – we’ll be landing late tomorrow night. Coach Horne has graciously volunteered to come and pick us up again, this time at the airport and take us to the Summit Campus. PLEASE TEXT ME OR EMAIL ME IF YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT OFFER.

If you are taking us up on the offer and meeting us at the school, I’ll have the kids text and call you when we land in Austin – please head to the campus and be waiting on us. you can line up outside the gate on the right side of the drive. When we come in we’ll open the gate and set it to stay open. Please be waiting on us and do not ask your student to call you when we get to the school before you leave. It is very late and my drive is an hour home. : D I won’t leave until all the students have been picked up.

If you are coming to pick your student up at the airport, please be waiting at the carpark to come to arrival when they’ve gotten their luggage. Again. Please do not ask them to wait and call you when they have their luggage before you head to the airport. The leaders can’t leave until the students have been picked up. Everyone will be very tired and we all need to get home.

Thank you again. What a privilege to partner with you in the spiritual growth of your senior!

For his glory!

Mrs g

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You Made A Difference ! ! !

Our seniors did a great job this week serving at Flory’s DayCare. They adjusted on the fly and stepped up to the plate and we are so proud of them. Today was a small group, only the older children were invited. We had purchased hot dogs and cake for them and in their everyday lives, that is a HUGE treat. Each day every student has been involved in executing the ministry and play time and today was no exception.

Every child was tuned in when Colonel Mac Leod gave his testimony. He had many things in common with them and you could hear the gasps and see the wide eyes as he shared. He spoke life, hope and purpose into thier lives this morning.

There were many tears as we gave many hugs goodbye. One gentleman that goes there is a precious soul. He is gentle and has a kind heart. His mind is like an 11 year old. He is extremely shy and as we were leaving, he had a tiny book that he wanted us all to write or draw a picture in so he could show it to his family that he had met some people from Texas.

I don’t really have the words to express how proud I am of each one of our seniors.

After we hugged each other and said our goodbyes we headed to Sarchi. A small town that is known for their Oxcart. We got to see the end of a wedding coming out of a Catholic Church and then we were able to go in and see the beautiful interior. Next we headed to the Oxcart Factory, had a brief history of the factory tour and then we power shopped until we headed to the restaurant for another amazing Costa Rican meal.

Tomorrow (early) we head to the island for a beautiful day in the sun and then we’ll be heading home Monday.

Coach Horne has graciously offered to pick us up at the airport Monday night if anyone needs a ride. He will transport us to the school campus where yu can meet us to get your student . Our flight lands at 11:59pm (I’m guessing midnight) and then we’ll load up and head to Summit Campus. If you want to take advantage of the ride to Cedar Prk, the students will call you when we land and when we’re in the van. It’s only a 30-35 min drive to Summit Campus. Please be there waiting on us as it will have been a very long day. The students had Tuesday off so we’ll see everyone on Wednesday.

We’re praying for a fun day tomorrow, no sunburns and many more great memories made.


Mrs. G

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This is what God has called me to…

Those are the words that Flory spoke to me as we were getting back into the van after walking the narrow pathway to the home of one of her young boys that comes to her Day Care/School. He was so proud to show us his home. (It was like the house build our seniors did last year) I really don’t have words to describe it.

I would also ask that you pray for Flory. Her heart for her people in the neighborhood to have every opportunity to provide shelter, food and education for their families is straight from the scriptures.

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27

The neighborhood is full of single moms, families that have been abandoned, orphaned and there’s no help for them. Flory has been ministering to the families there for 15 years. I pray that it continues for many more and that the Lord expands her reach. The police in the picture above where in the neighborhood and told Flory they would walk with us! We handed out lollipops to a few little ones that were home and looking out to see the Gringos coming down their passageway. We also got to see a young man that had graduated out of Flory’s program.

I know your students were so impacted by what they saw. We are so proud of these students and how they have allowed their hearts to be open to everything God has for them to experience on this trip. It is beautiful watching them interact with the children and the teachers. The language has barely been a barrier.

This morning our students did a beautiful job of presenting the message of the day. “When I am afraid I will trust in you. Psalm 56:3 The story of Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego! They shared testimonies, led songs in english and spanish, puppets and crafts. They did an amazing job.

Tomorrow morning we will throw a party for the older kids and serve cake and hot dogs. Our message will be, Jesus, the great shepherd comes looking for the ‘one’. You are one and you alone are important to him.

After a morning of ministry and playing, we will head to Sarch for souvenir shopping, visiting the Oxcart museum and gift shop and having dinner at El Jardin.

Today was the last day to see all of the younger children and there were tears shed. In just a short time, God knitted their hearts together. Isn’t it a beautiful thing when we allow the Holy Spirit to push us out of our comfort zone and trust him to walk us through new experiences for his kingdom?

My heart is anticipating some divine moments tomorrow morning. I believe the testimonies of a couple of the team members and our time with the boys and girls is a moment that God has set up for those children. Please be in prayer for us and for them.

Today was wonderful day! We are excited to see what God has in store for tomorrow.

Please pray for good rest, energy to finish well, open hearts to receive God’s message of hope!

Thank you again for allowing us to partner with you! What a privilege it is to be with these students here in Costa Rica being the hands and heart of Jesus!

mrs. g

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El Dia en Que temo, Yo En ti confio


When I am afraid I will put my trust in you. Pslam 56:3

It’s our verse for tomorrow. We’re going to tell the story of the three friends that had the courage to make a difficult decision that could end their lives. Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego! We’ve prepared the crafts, got a game ready, practiced our motions for the songs and telling the story. Now to get some sleep to be ready to hit the ground running tomorrow.

Flory’s Daycare is a blessing to a whole community. We’re going to tour it tomorrow afternoon. All of the families are some of the poorest in the city. Flory’s church used to do many evangelistic outreaches there then God placed on her heart to do even more. She opened a day care in a small house and began to teach the children and feed the children and give them a safe place to stay during the day when the single parent had to go to work. God has blessed her with a 2 story building (still trying to finish 3 rooms) and instead of helping 25 kids, she now can help 75 and when she finishes she can take 50 more.

During our quick debrief everyone shared a special moment from the day. We all agreed, the kids stole our hearts; the kids just crawling in your lap and finding a safe place, helping make bracelets, helping to put the littlest ones down for a nap, Dancing with the children, playing games and sweet hugs and pats on the cheek from the cook.

Please pray that our ministry time will be sweet, the children will hear the Good News of our Father’s love for them. Pray that we will continue to be a blessing to the daycare.

Thank you for allowing your students to be here in Costa Rica! What a blessing they are.

mrs g

P.S. We love Costa Rican food. The lunch at the daycare today! Oh. My. Word! One student told the cook, it’s the best I’ve ever had. Ms. White and I both want the recipe to the pico de gallo! I personally could have eaten one large bowl of it! True Story! The fresh juice is amazing! And tonight’s dinner! Magnifico!

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Be On the Lookout . . .

… For the Evidence of God.  

John 12:26  “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”

We had an early start this morning, to say the least. I want to say thank you to the parents and Coach Horne that got us all to the airport in time to get through the long ‘International Group Check In’ process.  What a blessing you all are. 

We had good flights with some exciting landings. (The wind drifts with turbulent landings aren’t our favorites)  Everyone has done wonderful. 

As we were checking in at our hotel, we realized we had one extra bag.  Oops!   Johnny called the airport and let them know we accidentally left with someone else’s bag.  So he’s on his way back to the airport to return the luggage.  We had three extra bags with all of the supplies for the VBS and play time we’ll be having with the children for the next three days, sp everyone was just helping get all the luggage to the bus and we weren’t paying that close (obviously) of attention to how many bags we had and what the luggage tags said. 

Tomorrow morning we head to Flory’s Day Care.  Flory loves the Lord and this past year God gave her favor with the bank and they gave her a loan to enlarge her school/ministry.  We get to love the kids, worship with them, play with them and share about how God is the greatest friend they could ever have. We have a Texas theme of Friendship with cowboy hats, bandanas and some games to go with our theme –  Friend of Jesus –  “Amigo de Jesus”

God has used Flory and others in the neighborhood to begin changing the ‘atmosphere’ of the area 10 years ago.  It’s not the same kind of area it used to be.  It’s not fancy nor is it perfect, but God loves the families and the children and his desire is for them to know him and love him and serve him and to continue to make it a neighborhood that flourishes! 

Please pray for: 

    Courage to step out of our comfort zone.

    Joy that spreads to the children 

    A real community of friendship

    Little receptive hearts for the truth of God’s love for them 

Pray we’ll all get rest tonight and be ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Colonel Mac Leod joins us tomorrow! Please pray for his trip down. It will be fun having him join us.

Each night I’ll be writing in my personal journal here. It will usually be a lot later than this, so checking the following morning is an option as well.


Mrs. g

I’ll try to upload pics as soon as I can.

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The Word of the Lord Endures Forever.

Friday night – journal –  

What a wonderful day we had today.  This morning we started off meeting in our groups doing the final prep for prayer walking embassy.   Every team did a great job, praying God’s heart for the nations.  I was so happy tonight during the debriefing with how many of the students mentioned that they really enjoyed it.  My prayer is that they will continue to take what they learned and not only pray for the nations see that they can be aware of their surroundings and use those same tools and pray without ceasing for the people and things God places on their hearts.

We had lunch at Union Stations and headed to the Museum of the Bible.  I do not know if there is even a way to describe it that would help you understand … you must try to go and experience it!  The students loved it. What joy fills your heart when you see and hear the passion in their voices talking about the experience of ‘Walking through the Old Testament’ seeing the many preserved precious Bibles, the story of God’s word being translated. The struggles of William Tyndale and others to translate the Bible for the comman man, even being martyred for the sake of the gospel. I don’t even think there are words adequate to describe the Museum of the Bible. 

We headed straight to the National Mall to see the war memorials. We started with the Washington Memorial we headed to the World War II, The Nurses Memorial and the Vietnam Wall, Brothers in Arms memorial watching over the fallen whose names are carved into the Vietnam Wall, Korean Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. Our students did a great job sharing the history and information about each of the momuments.

We ended the day back in Rosslyn for dinner and debrief.  It’s always so wonderful to hear what the kids really enjoyed or were impacted by.  (I was told by a couple of students we had walked over 20,000 steps and over 10 miles.  It was a lot I do agree.

Tomorrow morning we head to Mt. Vernon.  It is beautiful. Washington fought for the birth of a new nation. This nation. But here’s where I struggle. George was a national born leader, yet in his fighting for freedom and the birthing of a new nation, he was a man that owned slaves. Even though his experience during the Revolutionary War, conversations with Marquis de Lafayette and Robert Morris began changing his views about slavery, it evolved slowly and the freedom for his slaves did not come until his death. 

Your students have experienced a lot.  They might talk your ear off OR they might still be processing and you’ll get their story in bits and pieces.  Either way, my prayer is that they will allow the Holy Spirit to continue to build on what he deposited in this them week.  They are amazing. I am so delighted at the love so many of them have for God’s Word.  Please join me in prayer that they will continue to pursue God, delight in his Word and live a life of purpose that glorifies God.

Thank you to their amazing Homeroom teacher, Amy Smith.  She is amazing and loves your kids with all her heart. They are in good hands.   What a blessing she is as a friend, coworker and a mentor to your student. 

Thank you to Coach Shack (as we all lovingly call him) who is also amazing and loves your kids.  He doesn’t just know their names, he knows them and cares deeply about their walk with the Lord and being young men and women of integrity.

Thank you to Vance Faulks who joined us on the trip.  Vance is a member of our school board and a dad of one of the students in the Jr. Class. Getting to partner with him leading this trip, was such a real blessing. His deep relationship with God was as evident as his desire for our students to become young men and women who will live their life understanding they were born with a purpse.

I asked each of the leaders to write a few words:  

I love each of your students. Their hearts to serve and honor are beyond words that I can adequately express. I adore their ability to love one another well and fiercely. They have such a willingness to serve one another and love our country. You can be proud of how your students have handled themselves. I am beyond proud of them. The growth and love for Christ is palatable. Your students are amazing, thank you for sharing them with me. I love them.  ~ Amy Smith

This group of young men and women are amazing! They were pushed to their limits, and it was so great to see them press in and respond throughout the trip. To see a group truly excited about the bible and about praying for others has impacted me. Please know that they deposited something special here in our nation’s capital. And I believe they were impacted by this trip and will carry that with them for many years to come. ~ Vance Faulks

This group of students are so close and care for each other so much. I believe this is what impact is all for. Watching them grow into people that can pray for each other and for nations of people they have never met. Walking embassy row today and the preparation in the room to go each one prayed with understanding of the needs for the nations we walked through. The prayers were impactful and this is your student’s voices speaking life into people across the globe. ~ Jake Shackelford

Thank you again, for allowing us to partner with the spiritual growth of your amazing child.  I pray that they will desire to grow in their prayer life.  God hears our prayers and God answers our prayers. We just need to be aware. 

“The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” James 5:16 “  ESV

Coming HomeTomorrow Afternoon:

We will depart Ronald Reagan airport SW FLT 1742 at 2:30 pm   – nonstop to Austin

We will arrive at Austin Bergstrom at 5:15pm. 

  • Please be at the car park waiting for us so all the students have to do is call you when their luggage is claimed. 
  • Please do not ask your student to call you when they land before you leave home to come pick them up.
  • Everyone is pretty ‘walked out’ and will be ready to go home and rest.  Including my leaders as we need to make sure everyone is picked up before we leave. 
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Freedom Isn’t Free

Freedom Isn’t Free

This class had the honor of laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier this morning. If you have never seen one of these ceremonies they are worth your time.  The changing of the guard happens right in front of the wreath laying ceremony and many people then leave.  Those that walked past me I just took the chance and asked if they had ever seen a wreath laying ceremony.  If they had not I encouraged them to give about 10 more minutes and it would bless them.  Quite a few stayed.  They were so happy someone had told them about it.

Here is the link to the live feed

Our whole class represented well.  All of the leaders were so impressed with our students. 

We got to the cemetery early so we could go and see JFK’s eternal flame, the Arlington House (Lee’s home)  and the memorials for the shuttle explosions, the Iran rescuers, the USS Main mast, and Audie Murphy  (Audie Leon Murphy was an American soldier, actor, and songwriter. He was widely celebrated as the most decorated American combat soldier of World War II, and has been described as the most highly decorated soldier in U.S. history)   Oh… and he’s a Texas boy! 

I always try to take the team into the amphitheater and take a picture of the class with the HR teacher in the big marble throne with the class surrounding.  Well today, there was this small troupe of U.S. Air Force going from place to place and looked like they were telling the history of each place.  They were at the Lee house before our kids and as we came into the amphitheater they were on the upper level, so we quietly sat away from them to not disturb before we went and took the pictures.  As they were leaving I thought, “Why not ask them if we could take a picture with them.”  So I walked over to them as they were leaving and said, “I’m really sad you’re leaving, we were hoping to get a picture with you.”  The Chief Master Sergeant (I think) replied, “You would like for us to be in your picture?”  I told him, “Yes, we would be honored.”  He told his troop to turn around and they went back up and stood behind us.  It.  Was.  Awesome!  The kids were not believing I had asked them. I wasn’t about to miss an opportunity. It was an honor that they would take their time to stand with us on this special day! 

The troops had already passed us on the road earlier and we had thanked them for their service.  Many of them replied, “Thank you!  And thank you for your support!” It was a fun moment for the kids!

After the wreath laying ceremony we headed to the Capitol for lunch and the final tour of the day.  We had one of the best tour guides Summit has ever had!  He asked how ambitious we were, I told him we wanted everything we could get.  Chris (the guide) told us if you can go at a good clip I can show you two rooms none of the other tours will get.  YOU ARE ON!   It was great!  He was so knowledgeable and he asked questions, getting the kids engaged in the tour. 

We ended the day going to Pentagon City Mall for the food court AND some of the kids enjoyed the four floors of shopping! 

As I’m writing this a few of our kids are playing Uno with a group of Japanese students, laughing and having a great time in the reception area!  I love that! 

Tomorrow morning we prayer walk Embassy Row, head to the Museum of the Bible, and end the day going to the war monuments and the Lincoln Memorial.  It’s a wonderful full day. 

Please pray for good rest, strength, focus and hearts open to partner with God’s heart for the nations and gratitude for people that we do not know that were willing to lay down their lives for the freedom of others.

Have I told you, you have GREAT KIDS! 

Mrs. G

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Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak to for me.

The poignant words of Martin Niemöller are the last quote you see as you leave the Holocaust exhibit and enter into the rest of the museum.  Niemöller was a Lutheran minister and early Nazi supporter who was later imprisoned for opposing Hitler’s regime.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

We started the morning as the first group entering into the National Holocaust Museum.  As you go through each floor you experience so many different emotions; horror, anger, sadness, shock and hopelessness. As you continue on to the next floor you finally come to the stories of heroic people that fought back and helped saved a few to 100’s of lives.  Then your heart feels relief that you can find hope in such horrible hopeless situation.  The last room is a small theatre with recorded videos of survivors telling their story.  One of the men sharing saw his fellow tortured friend praying and thanking God.  He challenged his friend, what do you have to praise and thank God for?  We are living in hell.  His friend answered. I am thanking God that when He made me he didn’t make me like them. 

During the debrief each student share something from the Holocaust Museum and the Smithsonian they visited. 

One of the student shared, “I was shocked at the amount of people that they would go after, not just the Jews but the physically and mentally ill. They pushed the limited really far saying the disabled were a genetic threat.  .  .

Another student shared about the videos of men and children with the Nazi flags just living life. How easily they were manipulated into believing what they believed. How they could blindly do what they did?  Now, even today, a lot of sin is normalized. It made me think, how could they have gone so far to that extreme?   

It is a lot to take in and as they continue to process what they saw, please pray that they will allow the Holy Spirit to challenge their hearts to never forget that people can easily be swayed. People will turn their heards because they are afraid. People can be your friend one day and then turn you in the next. But we have an opportunity to learn from the facts of history and from the truth of God’s word. We can be a person that will stand up, speak out and do hard things. We can be truth bearers.

We all went to the American History Museum and saw ‘Old Glory’ the flag – huge and amazing.  Had lunch and then divided into groups for the Museums. Air and Space – American History – Natural History

Everyone enjoyed their time at the museums. 

We had dinner at Cheesecake Factory. Your kids are amazing and they were complimented on how kind and polite they are. After dinner we headed over to the White House just 2 blocks away and took team pictures! It’s beautiful at night!

We’ve put a lot of miles on our shoes and there’s many more miles to go.

In the morning we head to Arlington National Cemetery for the Wreath Laying Ceremony. We’ll be filming it.  I’m going to try to do a live from my own FB page and then share it to the school FB page.We’ll have a couple of people recording it and have Melanie post it on social media as well.   

I’ll have the students text you what we’re doing. 

We lay the wreath at 11:15 EST. 

What an honor they have been given.  We’ll then head to the Capitol for lunch and the tour.

Please pray for continued health and that our students will set their hearts to receive everything God has already set in place for them.

Mrs. g

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The Eagles Have Landed

It was a nice flight with a little bit of turbulence. We got checked in and then headed to dinner a couple of streets over. Our hotel is so nice and our kids are amazing!

We had a brief meeting in my room and then went over the plan for tomorrow.

Holocaust Museum first up:

  1. Please pray that the students will take their time and truly take in what they see and hear, even though it is hard to see and understand that atrocities like the holocaust were commited.
  2. Pray that they will see the importance of standing for right even if you’re the only one standing
  3. Pray that they will learn from the resilience and strength demonstrated by those that spoke out or resisted against the evil and from the resilience and strength of the survivors.
  4. How will this experience change my prayer life, my awareness of others and my desire to be an agent of grace, truth and mercy. What can I do everyday to be an example of Micah 6:8 ”He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. “
  5. What would it look like if I truly lived Luke 10:27 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your sould and with all your strength and with all your mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself. “

By Martin Niemöller
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.

After lunch we will head to the other Smithsonians. We will all go to the American History Museum and see ‘Old Glory’ and a few other amazing exhibits and then we’ll divide and go to other museums. Leaders will take the groups. 

Tomorrow evening is Cheesecake Factory! 

Have a great night! 

Mrs. g

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