Monthly Archives: February 2014

Team pictures from the 6th Grade Impact Trip

6th working 17    6th workgin 15

6th working 16   6th working 13

6th working 12   6th working 11

6th working 10   6th working 8

6th working 9   6th working 7

6th working 6   6th working 5

6th working 4   6th working 2

6th working 3   6th working 1

6th workgin 16   6th workgin 15

6th workgin 14   Susan sharing the program


Cleaning Cottage 6, Learning about the program, Moving picnic tables, Working in the Commissary, Sorting in the Clothes Closet, Fun!

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On your mark… Get set… Curl!

Our Summit 6th grade class is amazing!  We just had a day and a half of fun team building games, challenging devotionals and a very meaningful time of serving.

Thursday afternoon we started off reading 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. (GNT)

24 Surely you know that many runners take part in a race, but only one of them wins the prize. Run, then, in such a way as to win the prize. 25 Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever. 26 That is why I run straight for the finish line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches. 27 I harden my body with blows and bring it under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest.

My student leaders led the discussions on each scripture! in between the discussions we would play team building games. David Hannah, Lucas Hastings, Jacob Sherrill and Danielle Hannah did a great job!

Now I have to say – if you’ve watched any part of the Olympics, you would almost have to agree the game that doesn’t make a lot of sense…. Curling!  We watched a demo (and laughed)  and then went to the gym and had our own version of curling (and laughed harder)

We ended our evening talked about our next day of serving at the Starry program at Texas Baptist Children’s Home!  We talked about how we would take what we learned about each other through the games and how we really had to work together as a team on Friday to accomplish the tasks that were waiting on us.

Friday morning…

As we got ready to load up the van and car to head to our service project, we decided to have a ‘Curl Off’!  So funny!  I tried to video it but was laughing so hard I couldn’t keep the camera focused on the game!

Cottage 6

When we arrived at Starry, Susan shared what our serving today would do for their program and who it would help.  They had a cottage couple moving in at the end of March and they would be taking at-risk children in to give them a safe place to stay.  No one had been in the home for a while, so we were to scrub down all the baseboards, door trim, window sills, cabinets tops and fronts and sweeping.  Susan thought it would take us until lunch to finish!  You would have been so proud of your student!  They took the job seriously and went to work!  They worked together, helping one another and we knocked the job out in an hour and a half.  They had to find another job.  Before we left the cottage to head to the commissary to work, the new house parents showed up and thanked us for our hard work.

I was so proud of the way the students never complained and worked so well together.  When a team was finished with a job, they would come and ask for another job. I really can’t wait until their trip next year!  They are going to be AMAZING!

We headed over to the commissary and activity center and cleaned, sorted and organized!

After lunch we got to spend a little while in the gym playing basketball waiting for our ride back to the campus.

Before we left we had a time of debriefing.  As much as I love serving with our students, I REALLY love debriefing time.  This is when everyone shares.  We tell one fun or funny thing and then we tell one thing that really impacted our heart. This helps our students encourage one another, agree with one another, maybe hear about something that happened that others didn’t know, etc.  Debriefing is very important.  It also helps to ‘settle’ in their hearts, the wonderful things that God did in and through them.

Some of the things shared:

Funny / Fun moments

I loved the curling game … it was funny but it also helped us become a better team – we had to work together.

Chicken in a bucket –

I have never – it was fun, but I learned things about my classmates I never would have learned.

Air Hockey – funniest way I’ve ever seen to play the game


I liked knowing I was getting the home ready so children could feel safe.

It was cool how we worked together and got so much done.

It made me realize how much I have.

It’s unfortunate you have to have a place like this to help others, but since we do, I’m so glad I got to help and be a part of helping someone have a safe place, clothes and things they need.

Parents, your students were so amazing. I never heard one complaint, only “what else can I do?”

Thank you so much!

It was a joy! It was too short!

Mrs. G

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