This is what God has called me to…

Those are the words that Flory spoke to me as we were getting back into the van after walking the narrow pathway to the home of one of her young boys that comes to her Day Care/School. He was so proud to show us his home. (It was like the house build our seniors did last year) I really don’t have words to describe it.

I would also ask that you pray for Flory. Her heart for her people in the neighborhood to have every opportunity to provide shelter, food and education for their families is straight from the scriptures.

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27

The neighborhood is full of single moms, families that have been abandoned, orphaned and there’s no help for them. Flory has been ministering to the families there for 15 years. I pray that it continues for many more and that the Lord expands her reach. The police in the picture above where in the neighborhood and told Flory they would walk with us! We handed out lollipops to a few little ones that were home and looking out to see the Gringos coming down their passageway. We also got to see a young man that had graduated out of Flory’s program.

I know your students were so impacted by what they saw. We are so proud of these students and how they have allowed their hearts to be open to everything God has for them to experience on this trip. It is beautiful watching them interact with the children and the teachers. The language has barely been a barrier.

This morning our students did a beautiful job of presenting the message of the day. “When I am afraid I will trust in you. Psalm 56:3 The story of Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego! They shared testimonies, led songs in english and spanish, puppets and crafts. They did an amazing job.

Tomorrow morning we will throw a party for the older kids and serve cake and hot dogs. Our message will be, Jesus, the great shepherd comes looking for the ‘one’. You are one and you alone are important to him.

After a morning of ministry and playing, we will head to Sarch for souvenir shopping, visiting the Oxcart museum and gift shop and having dinner at El Jardin.

Today was the last day to see all of the younger children and there were tears shed. In just a short time, God knitted their hearts together. Isn’t it a beautiful thing when we allow the Holy Spirit to push us out of our comfort zone and trust him to walk us through new experiences for his kingdom?

My heart is anticipating some divine moments tomorrow morning. I believe the testimonies of a couple of the team members and our time with the boys and girls is a moment that God has set up for those children. Please be in prayer for us and for them.

Today was wonderful day! We are excited to see what God has in store for tomorrow.

Please pray for good rest, energy to finish well, open hearts to receive God’s message of hope!

Thank you again for allowing us to partner with you! What a privilege it is to be with these students here in Costa Rica being the hands and heart of Jesus!

mrs. g

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